Now India Will not die on the road.
Because human cannot create blood
You need wood after death, so all of you must plant at least one tree.
छत्तीसगढ़ में कार्य करने हेतु "आईडियल पब्लिक सेफ्टी एण्ड वेलफेयर सोसायटी" का पंजीयन जनवरी 2013 में किया गया था। इस सोसायटी में समाज के विभिन्न समाज सेवी संस्थाओं के कार्यकाताओं ने अपना योगदान दिया और हमसे जुडे । इसके उपरान्त इस सोसायटी ने पूरे देश में इस देशहित मे कार्य करने हेतु 'सुरक्षित भवः फांउडेशन का पंजीयन 2017 में कराया, जिसमें इस सुरक्षा जागरूकता अभियानका नाम दिया ''मिशन संभव" ।
यह अभियान समाज के लोगो को जागरूक करने हेतु छेडा गया है। सोसायटी द्वारा स्वंय के खर्चों पर विभिन्न शहरो के मुख्य चौक चौराहो पर, डिजिटल साऊंड स्पीकर लगाये जाते है जिसमें मधुर संगीत के साथ साथ जनहित सुरक्षा जागरूकता संदेशो का प्रसारण भी किया जाता
चौक चौराहों पर जब वाहन चालक अपने ग्रीन सिग्नल का इंतजार करते रहते है, उस वक्त हम उनके इंतजार को कर्णप्रिय वाद्य संगीत द्वारा मधुर करते है और साथ ही जागरूकता संदेशो का प्रसारण कर जागरूक करते है।
चौक चौराहो पर लगे स्पीकर एवं उसके प्रसारण का खर्च विज्ञापन द्वारा या फिर जागरूकता संदेशो के प्रायोजक द्वारा पुरा किया जाता है और इसका प्रसारण करने की अनुमति PPP मॉडल में शहर के नगर निगम और पुलिस विभाग से लिया जाता है। देशहित में किये जा रहे इस प्रसारण के द्वारा हम एक अच्छा समाज और आने वाले पीढ़ी को जागरूक और समझदार बनाने में अपना भागीदारी देते है।
With great pride and humility, I would like to introduce my society, the 'Surakshit Bhava Foundation' & (I.P.S.W.S), a non-profit organization formed with the objective of serving social causes and contributing to the nation as a life mission. Our recent endeavors in Traffic Awareness, through our dedicated volunteer services as Traffic wardens and the broadcasting of welfare jingles at various squares in different cities, are some of the testimonies of our contributions. We are all set to take a big leap, aiming to elevate our mission to the next level more intensively, to sensitize society from its roots. Keeping in mind the fact that a child today will become a responsible citizen tomorrow and will demonstrate the discipline and culture cultivated today within the community, we are inclined to launch a Safety Awareness Program for school-going kids, college students, workers, corporate staff, etc. This program is designed with a prime focus on traffic etiquette, not only for developing character but also for instilling the attributes of an ideal citizen and exhibiting them daily in social life.
As the Director of Surakshit Bhava Foundation, I strongly believe that it is our duty and responsibility to give back to the society in which we live, in return for the many things we benefit from in our day-to-day lives.
I would like to share my life story with you; I have been saved twice in major road accidents while returning home. Experiencing the pain that people suffer due to someone's mistake inspired me to raise awareness about road safety. The Surakshit Bhava Foundation, a non-profit organization, stems from this core belief. My team and I are driven by a quest to serve the destitute, providing us with the strength to work with dedication, sincerity, and honesty.
We dream to see a brighter world with this little initiative of Mission Sambhav, 'Sambhav Hai' of ours, and know that our dream will bear fruits in the near future. The backbone of our Surakshit Bhava Foundation is its volunteers, sponsors, and all members who timely conduct awareness programs on road safety, cleanliness, and other social activities for the welfare of society.
To send food, you can consider reaching out to local food delivery services or charities that provide food assistance.
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